
Pokémon Tournament Ladder

Louis Rettner

de flag

de flagStuttgart Regionals (2023-12-09)


Prev. ELO1000New ELO859 (-141)

Prev. Rank-New Rank#15062 (+15062)


R9 de flagPrathamesh Dhus (#10935)

ResultLossOpp. ELO918

Prev. ELO879New ELO859 (-20)

R8 at flagChristian Halder (#-)

ResultLossOpp. ELO915

Prev. ELO902New ELO879 (-23)

R7 fr flagJason Gireaud--Lemoine (#11387)

ResultWinOpp. ELO883

Prev. ELO872New ELO902 (+30)

R6 be flagTimothy Thimpont (#5846)

ResultLossOpp. ELO987

Prev. ELO895New ELO872 (-23)

R5 ch flagGino Meister (#2803)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1017

Prev. ELO844New ELO895 (+51)

R4 be flagNiels Uten (#13088)

ResultLossOpp. ELO875

Prev. ELO883New ELO844 (-39)

R3 de flagKevin Kubina (#-)

ResultLossOpp. ELO916

Prev. ELO927New ELO883 (-44)

R2 de flagMarcel Kersten (#8867)

ResultLossOpp. ELO967

Prev. ELO972New ELO927 (-45)

R1 de flagFriedrich Illbruck (#946)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1158

Prev. ELO1000New ELO972 (-28)