What is this?
This is a website that keeps track of Pokémon player ratings based on official tournament matches.
Which tournaments are tracked?
Almost every major tournament (Regional or above) since San Diego Regionals 2023
Why only those tournaments?
We currently get our data using this amazing RK9 pairings scraper by Julien. This does mean we can only use tournaments which have their pairings listed on RK9.
We chose San Diego 2023 as a starting point since that's the first tournament in the 2023 season for VGC. We can't add the 2022 season, since for half of the season pairings had shortened names like "John D.", and before 2022 only American regionals used RK9Why can't I find myself on the site?
Make sure you enter your name exactly as it appears on the tournament pairings. If you still can't find yourself, you might not yet have played in a tournament that's recorded on the ladder
I have played under multiple names, can I get these merged?
Yes! Message us on Twitter with the names you've played under, and the name you want to be shown on the ladder
I have the same name as someone else, and now our result are merged!
Currently we unfortunately do not have the ability to tackle this, since RK9 has no way for us to differentiate different people in the pairings. We've asked for a way to do this before but unfortunately that wasn't successful
I have a question that's not answered here! / I found a bug! / I have a suggestion for the site!
Message us on Twitter!
Can I support this?
Yes! You can help me keep the website running over at Ko-fi! I'm currently a student paying to keep the website online on my own, so I would greatly appreciate your help.
How are the ratings calculated?
We use the Elo rating system, which is commonly used in chess and other games. We use an initial K value of 100, which linearly goes down over the first 10 games to 32 to try and get unknown players close to their real rating as fast as possible
What is GXE
GXE stands for Glicko X-act Estimate. It is used by Pokémon Showdown! and estimates a player's probability of winning against a random player. To find out more about GXE, I recommend this post by X-Act, who designed the metric
Why do some players not have a GXE?
Players who have a ratings deviation of 100 or more do not get a GXE, because it would most likely be too inaccurate to provide any meaningful insight. This is the same cutoff Pokémon Showdown! uses
What is Glicko?
Glicko is an alternative rating system that has a secondary stat called the ratings deviation (the number after the ±). This measures by how much your Glicko rating can deviate, so a lower number means it's more certain. You can read more about glicko here
Player page
Why do I not have a country flag
A player's country is also scraped from RK9. If you do not have your country on your page, you haven't played in a tournament which had these countries visible on the pairings
What does the Tournaments section on the Stats tab show?
This shows your performance on different levels of tournaments, like how many Day 2s you've reached in regionals, etc. Do note that the Wins here mean tournament wins, not match wins!
What does the Winrate section on the Stats tab show?
This shows your winrate vs different groups of opponents, and during different stages of a tournament. For example, the vs Top 50 stat here shows your winrate against players that were ranked among the top 50 players on the ladder at the point of the match
What does the Streaks section on the Stats tab show?
This shows your best record for how many of x you've done in a row, like how many wins in a row, top cuts, etc.
What does the Biggest Upset section on the Stats tab show?
This shows your most significant victory during a tournament. This is the match you've won where the difference between your ELO and your opponent's ELO was the biggest