
Pokémon Tournament Ladder

Colin Müller-Kersting

de flag

nl flagUtrecht Regionals (2024-03-01)


Prev. ELO1112New ELO1131 (+19)

Prev. Rank#2347New Rank#1770 (-577)


R9 no flagEmma Hagen (#153)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1256

Prev. ELO1126New ELO1131 (+5)

R8 de flagJulian Bouaalam (#6694)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1107

Prev. ELO1142New ELO1126 (-16)

R7 be flagTily Gherardi (#16993)

ResultWinOpp. ELO995

Prev. ELO1132New ELO1142 (+10)

R6 de flagBenjamin Cheynubrata (#480)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1220

Prev. ELO1144New ELO1132 (-12)

R5 gb flagTimothy Cox (#2479)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1127

Prev. ELO1129New ELO1144 (+15)

R4 pl flagNatalia Balcer (#8318)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1025

Prev. ELO1117New ELO1129 (+12)

R3 nl flagRodney van den Velden (#14279)

ResultWinOpp. ELO946

Prev. ELO1108New ELO1117 (+9)

R2 ie flagMichael Hunter (#5688)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1059

Prev. ELO1127New ELO1108 (-19)

R1 be flagArthur Van Audenrode (#3124)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1093

Prev. ELO1112New ELO1127 (+15)