
Pokémon Tournament Ladder

Christian D'Onofrio

it flag

de flagDortmund Regionals (2024-02-10)


Prev. ELO1197New ELO1282 (+85)

Prev. Rank#543New Rank#127 (-416)


R15 fi flagKonsta Kallama (#48)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1335

Prev. ELO1263New ELO1282 (+19)

R14 de flagAli Salame (#293)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1277

Prev. ELO1245New ELO1263 (+18)

R13 nl flagJelle van Kampen (#238)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1300

Prev. ELO1259New ELO1245 (-14)

R12 fr flagRenaud LEVAIN (#1566)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1227

Prev. ELO1244New ELO1259 (+15)

R11 fi flagJulius Brunfeldt (#453)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1261

Prev. ELO1226New ELO1244 (+18)

R10 dk flagLasse Nielsen (#9536)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1072

Prev. ELO1216New ELO1226 (+10)

R9 be flagVinnie Schelfhaut (#1506)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1195

Prev. ELO1217New ELO1216 (-1)

R8 gb flagJames Rodber (#1835)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1159

Prev. ELO1203New ELO1217 (+14)

R7 be flagbrent hermans (#892)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1217

Prev. ELO1219New ELO1203 (-16)

R6 de flagStephan Wulf (#5367)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1107

Prev. ELO1208New ELO1219 (+11)

R5 it flagDavid Piccinini (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1092

Prev. ELO1197New ELO1208 (+11)

R4 de flagJan Bartow (#7586)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1029

Prev. ELO1187New ELO1197 (+10)

R3 gb flagCharles Lloyd (#13906)

ResultWinOpp. ELO938

Prev. ELO1181New ELO1187 (+6)

R2 de flagMaximilian Bohmann (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO979

Prev. ELO1173New ELO1181 (+8)

R1 de flagJessica Aguado (#-)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1000

Prev. ELO1197New ELO1173 (-24)