
Pokémon Tournament Ladder

Alexander Stoppel

de flag

nl flagUtrecht Regionals (2023-03-18)


Prev. ELO1215New ELO1213 (-2)

Prev. Rank#107New Rank#132 (+25)


R14 cz flagStepan Suchanek (#491)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1195

Prev. ELO1230New ELO1213 (-17)

R13 be flagVinnie Schelfhaut (#393)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1224

Prev. ELO1246New ELO1230 (-16)

R12 it flagMario Barbera (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1141

Prev. ELO1234New ELO1246 (+12)

R11 ch flagJulien Cretenoud (#254)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1214

Prev. ELO1251New ELO1234 (-17)

R10 it flagAlessandro Miscera (#1802)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1110

Prev. ELO1241New ELO1251 (+10)

R9 it flagDaniele Matrigale (#1019)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1132

Prev. ELO1230New ELO1241 (+11)

R8 fr flagBastien LAMOTTE (#1559)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1094

Prev. ELO1219New ELO1230 (+11)

R7 be flagPhilippe Vuurstaek (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1104

Prev. ELO1208New ELO1219 (+11)

R6 fr flagLouis Leterme (#-)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1092

Prev. ELO1213New ELO1208 (-5)

R5 it flagEugenio Favini (#-)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1098

Prev. ELO1218New ELO1213 (-5)

R4 nl flagDennis Sjoers (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1007

Prev. ELO1211New ELO1218 (+7)

R3 nl flagChristiaan Smit (#-)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1100

Prev. ELO1230New ELO1211 (-19)

R2 gb flagMichael Crosby (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1043

Prev. ELO1222New ELO1230 (+8)

R1 nl flagJamiro Truijens (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1000

Prev. ELO1215New ELO1222 (+7)