
Pokémon Tournament Ladder

Alessandro Bax

it flag

de flagDortmund Regionals (2024-02-10)


Prev. ELO1168New ELO1233 (+65)

Prev. Rank#951New Rank#299 (-652)


R15 gb flagAdam Hawkins (#197)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1284

Prev. ELO1231New ELO1233 (+2)

R14 sk flagKristian Hodas (#199)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1289

Prev. ELO1228New ELO1231 (+3)

R13 gb flagSami Sekkoum (#4537)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1179

Prev. ELO1230New ELO1228 (-2)

R12 gb flagCallum Thomas (#1165)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1205

Prev. ELO1215New ELO1230 (+15)

R11 pt flagGoncalo Pereira (#186)

ResultLossOpp. ELO1296

Prev. ELO1227New ELO1215 (-12)

R10 it flagAlessandro Cremascoli (#237)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1253

Prev. ELO1210New ELO1227 (+17)

R9 de flagKarim Khalifa-Ebert (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1184

Prev. ELO1194New ELO1210 (+16)

R8 cl flagMatias Ramirez Marianetti (#11360)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1035

Prev. ELO1185New ELO1194 (+9)

R7 de flagTobias Jakhöfer (#6272)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1079

Prev. ELO1173New ELO1185 (+12)

R6 be flagKarel Maertens (#803)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1166

Prev. ELO1156New ELO1173 (+17)

R5 gb flagCharles Driesler (#12767)

ResultLossOpp. ELO997

Prev. ELO1180New ELO1156 (-24)

R4 de flagChaz Gagne (#3166)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1095

Prev. ELO1167New ELO1180 (+13)

R3 de flagTobias Segatto (#-)

ResultWinOpp. ELO1027

Prev. ELO1157New ELO1167 (+10)

R2 be flagNicolas Bailly (#3495)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1074

Prev. ELO1161New ELO1157 (-4)

R1 de flagPaul Michaelis (#-)

ResultTieOpp. ELO1000

Prev. ELO1168New ELO1161 (-7)